
The project is a proof of concept of how to valorize into modern ways valuable linguistic assets within the French Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales. All contents have been generated by the team, as a proof of concept for low cost, modern, mobile, responsive, multi-OS and cross-platforms applications.


Hugo Lopez #hugo-lopez

photo id: Hugo Lopez

Ph.D candidate on Chinese language education at the French Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales. Hugo brings in lexicographic & linguistic expertises. He jumped into programming to fully developed the Mobile App, with mobile first, multi-OS support, and some didactic innovations.

Édouard Lopez (CTO) #édouard-lopez

photo id: Édouard Lopez

Lead Developer and UX expert, Databases manager. As a dynamic software Engineer, Edouard is the web-tech and Human-Machine interactions expert, experimenting and bringing suitable technologies all together. Edouard is also a key member of Bordeaux City's developer scene. He fully developed the web2.0 dictionary platform, with editable contents and social features.


  • 2014/Sept: HSK 1, HSK 2, HSK 3 added, version 2012. Dictionary data improvements, code review.
  • 2014/Oct: publication v1.0 "HSK-English flavor"


For feedbacks on the mobile apps, please contact Hugo.
Directly reporting issues (Yeah !!!):